???option.TituloSitioWeb.grado??? in Computer Engineering

Bachelor’s thesis

Bachelor’s thesis is a subject which is included in the syllabus of every bachelor’s degree. In case of bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering, bachelor’s thesis (BT) has 15 ECTS, it has to be done in the last academic year and it comprises work that every student (or a group of students) carries out under the supervision of a director or two co-directors. This work allows students to show their acquired knowledge and competences associated with the bachelor’s degree in an integrated way.


Regulation on Bachelor’s Thesis 


  • In order to enrol in the bachelor thesis it is necessary to present its proposal previously and you can do this if you have already passed 180 credits.
  • To present the bachelor’s thesis, all the subjects of the previous academic years must be passed and the fourth’s course subjects must be taken or passed.

Dates and requirements for presenting the bachelor’s thesis can be found at this link.

Director and co-directors of the bachelor’s thesis

Every bachelor’s thesis is directed by a director or two co-directors. The director or one of the co-directors must be a teacher who belongs to a teaching department of the same degree.

An external teacher may be proposed as a co-director, in which case a member of the UdL teaching staff must perform as a director.


A proposal of the bachelor’s thesis may be carried out in the following ways:

  • A student’s proposal.
  • An enterprise's proposal.
  • A department's proposal.
  • Proposals carried out within the framework of the convention of cooperation between university and enterprise.
  • Projects carried out within the framework of the mobility offered at UdL.

A proposal must be accepted by the director (or the co-director) and the coordinator of the degree.


The enrolment allows a student to apply to reading his/her bachelor’s thesis in a call during the academic year.

Enrolment may be processed during two periods along the academic year:

  • At the beginning of the first semester.
  • At the beginning of the second semester.

You can consult on particular enrolment dates at this link.

Assessment of the bachelor’s thesis

The bachelor’s thesis will be assessed following continuous assessment methodology. The final mark will be based on the marks of the following four items:

  • Initial report (10%) which shows assimilation of the aims and context of the BT to carry out. It is assessed by the director.
  • Follow-up report (10%) which presents evolution of the BT and decisions made. It is assessed by the director.
  • Final document of the BT (50%). It is assessed by the director.
  • Presentation and defense of the BT in front of an examination committee (30%). The student will present his/her project and defend it publically answering committee’s questions.

Corresponding marks of different items will be collected by the director through Continuous Assessment Portfolio of the BT.


It is composed of three members of whom at least one member must belong to a teaching staff at the Higher Polytechnic School, and at least two of them must be university teachers or researchers. The director or one of the co-directors will take part in the committee.

The degree coordinator will appoint the members of the committee. This appointment will be proposed by the director who personally fills out  proposal documents.

Delivery and defense of the BT

The Bachelor’s thesis must be delivered at least 5 working days prior to the defense or presentation and following the instructions indicated in  this link.

At the time of BT delivery, the student will deliver a brief summary of the project signed by the EPS director or co-director. This document will include the authorization of the student and the director to deposit a copy of the TFG in the Library of the University of Lleida.

In addition, at the time of the deposit, the student will deliver the acceptance or resignation to apply for the award of BT in Computer Engineering awarded by the EPS (AETI Prize). For more information you can consult this link.

The defense of the BT can be carried out between 1st October and 15th September during the academic year in which the BT was registered.

Students who in February not meet the requirements for the defense should be defense in September. Once they meet the requirements, they can make the delivery until Friday 9th September. The defense may be made until 15 September.

BT issues within the framework of specialization modules

Major in Information Tecnologies:

    • Applications and cryptographic protocols for a safe data management. The person in charge Francesc Sebe
    • o Design and development of web applications, mobile devices (smartphone and tablet) and interactive systems in general following methodologies and techniques of user-centred design. The person in charge: Toni Granollers
    • Big Data processing. The person in charge: Roberto García
    • o Distributed and parallel computing. The person in charge: Fernando Cores

Major in Computing:

    • Application and development of technology for solving difficult combinatory problems by using SAT and MaxSAT. The person in charge: Josep Argelich
    • Security, networks and sustainable computation. The person in charge: Cèsar Fernàndez
    • Knowledge representation and automatic reasoning systems. The person in charge: Tere Alsinet
    • Applications and cryptographic protocols for a safe data management. The person in charge: Francesc Sebe
    • Optimization of parallel applications and work planning in parallel and distributed environments. The person in charge: Josep Lluís Lérida

Major in Software Engineering:

    • Web 2.0 and 3.0 (Semantics), Open Dates and Big Data. The person in charge: Roberto García
    • User-centred design of interactive systems. The person in charge: Rosa Gil
    • Design of applications in functional languages (e.g. Scala, Haskell, Clojure, etc.). The person in charge: Juan Manuel Gimeno
    • o User-centred design of interactive systems. The person in charge: Toni Granollers
    • Assessment of user’s experience and design of management applications. The person in charge: Marta Oliva
    • Applications for mobile devices and techniques of assessment of mobile devices usability. The person in charge: Montserrat Sendín

Specific BT issues proposed by the UdL departments

  • Development of an application with mobile devices for the diagnosis and treatment of real patients, recommending medication protocol to be followed. You will work together with the health staff. The choice of platform (Android, iPhone…) is free. The person in charge: Rosa Gil (Department of Computer Science)
  • Development of an application with mobile devices to treat patients with chronical pain who need help to follow their illness. You will work together with the health staff. The choice of platform (Android, iPhone) is free. The person in charge: Rosa Gil (Department of Computer Science).

  • Design and validation of a computer application of support to diagnosis of locomotor system pathologies. The person in charge: Albert Bigordà Sagué (Physiotherapist, Nursing-Physiotherapy faculty).

  • Development of a Hadoop applications in a bookshop for the calculation of basic consistency fullest extent permissible the alignment of thousands of large-scale genomic SecuenciasThe Project is a group can perform. The person in charge: Fernando Cores  (Department of Computer Science). [Assigned]

  • Development of a Dron tracking system by a laser-Lidar. The Laser will be connected to a rotating head to scan the space and to track the distances to objects. The focus will be on screen display space occupied by the Dron for subsequent processingYou can consult:
    The person in charge: Juan Antonio Garriga (Department of Computer Science).
  • “Exploring the Future of Livestock: Immersive Technical Visits to Farms through Virtual Reality”. Develop an immersive and interactive virtual visit so that all the productive aspects of a poultry or pig farm can be learned in depth. This TFG is part of the project "Integration of Technologies 4.0 in Animal Science Training: Towards an Immersive Education Adapted to the Needs of the Future", within the Grants program for the realization of innovation projects and improvement of teaching at the UdL. Project coordinator: Immaculada Argemí i Armengol. Department of Animal Science. ETSEAFiV. Interested parties please contact Ester Molina: ester.molina@udl.cat

BT issues proposed by companies in the sector

  • Mobility and the Internet of Things: the beacons. Can you imagine developing a project for IOS and Android platforms linked to sensors? We offer you a TFG where you can work with the angular and Ionic framework where you can develop an R + D project linked to the tracking, traceability and monitoring of mobile phones thanks to the beacon sensors. The person in charge: Jordi Monne (@useit), EPS person in chargeMarga Molto (Business Administration Department). [New offer]
  • Development of a computing platform that allows to manage and visualize performance variables derived from positional data extracted from tracking systems in collective sports. The project would consist of integrating data from different devices (GPS, UWB, accelerometer, gyroscope, etc.) in a software or web support to analyze and study the collective behavior and behavior patterns among the different members of a football team. Padel or dance group, among others. Person in charge: Ángel Ric (INEFC), EPS person in chargeFernando Cores (Computer Science Department). [New offer]
  • Develop a mobile game of the LifeLine style (role/interactive story) focused on people who have difficulties in establishing social relationships. The objective of the game is that the history and the decisions that the players take will instruct and allow them to improve their social skills, while allowing a better control of the diagnosed illnesses. The person in charge:  Alex Palau (Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Lleida), EPS person in chargeFrancesc Sebé (Department of Mathematics). [Assigned]

  • To implement a computer platform in Java through which any person with certain savings / financial products can unify their banking data from different entities and thus manage their personal/family/business economy, having more control of where they are investing, the risk which they are assuming in every asset and the profitability they are getting from all their assets. The person in charge:  Alex Palau (Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Lleida), EPS person in chargeFernando Cores (Computer Science Department). [New offer]

  • Implement an Android-based mobile application that, depending on the user's location, provides information on the gastronomic establishments, pubs and clubs available depending on the user's profile (budget, preferences, etc.). The person in chargeAdrià Gràcia and Marc Morera (Bombeat), EPS person in chargeFernando Cores (Computer Science Department). [New offer]
  • Design and development of a web with responsive design for the collection of consumption data of a heating system with central boilers and individual counters and management of this data for the subsequent economic treatment of cost sharing among the owners neighbors. The web portal should allow access with different profiles of consultation and management, to see the history of consumption and other analytical indicators. This project is remunerated. EPS person in chargeJosep Argelich (Computer Science Department). [Assigned]

  • Integration of wireless medical devices for the patient data collection, with compliance with the Law on medical data protection. The project will consist of the integration of several medical devices and the patient's informed consent system to improve personalized patient care. Access to the information will be done through the web or a mobile application (APP). The person in chargeJoan Carles Piñol (Samba group & Prevenir y Curar CEO). 

  • Integration of health analytical data. The project aims to integrate pharmacy management systems to provide clinical data to facilitate patient monitoring both at the pharmacy and at home, to improve patient support and follow-up by the pharmacist. The person in chargeJoan Carles Piñol (Samba group & Prevenir y Curar CEO). 

  • Mobile application to show the health professional how to proceed around a disease. The objective of the project will be to integrate data and health analytics of patients' clinical records in order to support the pharmacist in decision making. The management and visualization of the data will be done through an APP. The person in chargeJoan Carles Piñol (Samba group & Prevenir y Curar CEO).

  • Design and implementation of an application for mobile devices orientated to the farm management. The person in charge: Pilar Mallol CasalsGAENA (Agriculture and Environmental Engineering Department)

  • Proposals of Liquid Galaxy Lab (Higher Polytechnic School - company Ponent2002). The person in charge Andreu Ibànez (coordinator Liquid Galaxy LAB). More information at Google Developers Group Lleida (GDG Lleida). You can find a list of proposals to access the Google Summer of Code 2016 $6.000 scholarship provided.